Beautiful pics of Monica Bellucci and Molly Ringwald feet & legs

Molly Kathleen Ringwald was born in the US. She is a writer actor, translator and actress. Before she was nominated for a Golden Globe nominee for Tempest's performance, Ringwald started out her professional career by working on Diff'rent Strokes. Molly Ringwald, the famous American actress has a net worth of $13 million. Molly Ringwald has a net value of $13 million as per various online resources, including Wikipedia, Forbes and Bloomberg. When she began to move movies, Molly Ringwald was offered the lead part on screen in Tempest (1982) which was written by Paul Mazursky with Juliet Taylor as the casting director. In addition, she was nominated for Golden Globe awards for this performance. Ringwald was famous due to her part in Sixteen Candles, which was made in 1984. Monica Anna Maria Bellucci (born Monica Anna Maria Bellucci) is an Italian model and actress. The model began her modeling career by doing work for Dolce & Gabbana Cartier Dior. Later, she moved on to Italian film and eventually American as well as French movies. The Local reports that the couple, following 14 years of marriage, are said to be splitting by "mutual consent." Although the couple has yet to reveal the reasons to their divorce, their agreements on mutuality or even how they will divide the the custody of their children there is a chance that the issue of infidelity played a role.

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